Open To The World '23: Bel Canto, Zero8, Ringmasters & Voces8

Exclusive Festive Season in Vilnius: 4 Sold-Out Concerts with Bel Canto Choir Vilnius, Zero8, Ringmasters and Voces8 

Bel Canto Choir Vilnius’ ‘Open To The World ’23’ project marked the inception of the first vocal music festival in Vilnius. From December 1 to 3, at St Catherine’s Church, Bel Canto Choir Vilnius organized four concerts. It hosted exclusive guests: Grammy-nominated British vocal ensemble VOCES8, Sweden’s top male choir Zero8, and barbershop world champions Ringmasters.

The festival drew 2,056 spectators, treated to a diverse program rarely performed in Lithuania. Choirs and vocal ensembles seamlessly blended classical, contemporary choral, barbershop, jazz, and popular music with the added charm of Christmas pieces.

Photos captured by Mantas Gudzinevičius.


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